I'm packing my stack of Peavy amps and Stratocasters for a world tour that is now double the size previously projected, having grown to two events. The world-straddling motorcade will now make its way at breakneck speed from a late-March event in South Bend, Indiana to an early May event in Chicago. How the roadies, groupies, and hangers-on will handle the pace is beyond me.
Anyway: in addition to giving a reading March 29 at Notre Dame with Cornelius Easy and Joyelle McSweeney, I'm now set to read at Chicago's own Myopic Books on Sunday, May 9, at 7:00 pm. Myopic is one of my favorite bookstores in Chicago — and up until he made some terrible strategic error in booking me, Larry Sawyer had a great record of bringing interesting poets to read there.