This isn't the promised follow-up to the Contingent Manifesto -- but my colleagues on the organizing committee tell me it is time to get the word out for the upcoming &Now/LFLF festival. This year our emphasis will be on experimental writing, and it would be great to see some of you there. Get in touch if you're interested — you know where to find me.
Here's the official post:
&NOW / Lake Forest Literary Festival
April 5-7, 2006, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL.
Proposal Deadline, October 15, 2005
The second iteration of &NOW: A Festival of Innovative Writing and Art, merged with the second annual Lake Forest Literary Festival (LFLF), will be held on April 5-7, 2006 at Lake Forest College, 30 miles north of Chicago.
This three-day festival will celebrate contemporary aesthetic practice in its most inventive forms: writing, visual, and multimedia art that is aware of its own institutional and extra-institutional history, that is as much about its form and materials-about language-as about subject matter.
&NOW/LFLF will bring together a range of writers and artists interested in exploring the possibilities of form and the limits of expression.
By bringing together innovative writers and artists, &NOW/LFLF will take stock of the "other" tradition-and perhaps offer a glimpse of where it is going.
Proposal Deadline: October 15, 2005
For more information, including guidelines for contributors and book fair exhibitors, see:
Official Web Site
Send all correspondence to: andnow@lakeforest.edu
(*or, if you like, to me at the email address listed on my profile page -- Bob)
The &NOW/LFLF organizing committee:
Robert Archambeau (Lake Forest, English)
Davis Schneiderman (Lake Forest, English/American Studies)
Tom Denlinger (Lake Forest, Art)
Steve Tomasula (Notre Dame, Notre Dame Review)
Christina Milletti (SUNY-Buffalo, English)
Dimitri Anastasopoulos (U. of Rochester, English)