Saturday, February 20, 2010

Laureates and Heretics

Laureates and Heretics, my new book of literary criticism, is officially out and order-able on

Here's the publisher's page for it, and here's the Amazon page. And here are a few kind words from the back jacket, by the inimitable and redoubtable Mark Scroggins:

The varying critical and public fates of Winters and the poets who worked under him make a fascinating study, even gesturing towards a global history of postwar American poetry.

It makes a great gift, doubles as a coaster on which to rest your martini, and (if you teach at a college or university) belongs in your library. If you want to write a review, get in touch with me at my Lake Forest College email address.


  1. Is there any way one could get a copy signed by the author? Also, while on the subject of asking for extra special things, are there audio versions to be found of your poetry?

  2. Hi Morrica,

    There are a few audio files on the web -- the poem "The People's Republic of Sleepless Nights" can be found at:

    and there are a bunch of poems at Word Salad Radio, though I don't have the URL handy.

    Also, "Sheena is a Punk Rocker" should be on the big sound file for the 2008 off-site MLA reading, at Al Filreis' site PennSound. It's the first or second poem in the big reading.

    Can't think of any more at the moment.

    As for signed copies getting to Sweden... hmm... the best way might be to order one, have it sent to me, with a note on where to send it back in Sverige. A bit of a hassle, but I'm game if you are.


  3. Oh! It was 2007, not 2008, that I did the MLA reading. And here's the URL:

  4. Thank you, and thank you again! I'm game, oh yes I am!

    All the best,

    ps your daughter has lovely eyes!

  5. Congratulations! It looks fabulous.

    (You might like my word verification word: ousiysin. For some reason I find it amusing.)

  6. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Congratulations Bob!

  7. Alex Davis7:56 AM

    Good for you, Bob! I look forward to picking up a copy.

  8. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Nice work, my friend. My copy should be in my mailbox any day.


  9. The real heretical thing to have done for the cover: "Robert Archambeau" in holograph, floating at non-distinct ease amidst the other august signatures.

    The reader would have figured it all out on the title page...

    I should have been a cover designer.
