The official ads will be going out soon, but I thought I'd give a sneak preview of the second annual Madeleine P. Plonsker Prize, a publication and residency award we give out at Lake Forest. It's sort of a Virginia Woolf "room of one's own" concept. This year it's for prose, next year it'll be for poetry.
Madeleine P. Plonsker Emerging Writer's Residency Prize (Prose)
Lake Forest College, in conjunction with the &NOW organization, invites applications for an emerging prose writer under forty years old, with no major book publication, to spend two months (February-March or March-April 2010) in residence at our campus in Chicago’s northern suburbs on the shore of Lake Michigan.
There are no formal teaching duties attached to the residency. Time is to be spent completing a manuscript, participating in the Lake Forest Literary Festival, and offering two public presentations.
The completed manuscript will be published (upon approval) by the Lake Forest College Press &NOW Books imprint.
The stipend is $10,000, with a housing suite and campus meals.
Send curriculum vita, no more than 30 pages of manuscript in progress, and a one-page statement of plans for completion to:
Plonsker Residency
Department of English
Lake Forest College
Box A16
555 N. Sheridan Road
Lake Forest, IL 60045.
Submissions must be postmarked by April 1, 2009 for consideration by judges Robert Archambeau, Davis Schneiderman, and Joshua Corey.
Please don't email me about this, though. We've got to take care of this via the address above.
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